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Mesothelioma Lawsuit - How to get Started?

Mesothelioma Lawsuit

How to get started?

If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have probably heard or read about the possibility of obtaining financial compensation by way of a mesothelioma lawsuit. It can be difficult to navigate the maze of television commercials and websites to figure out how to get the process started.

There are really three simple steps to get started with a mesothelioma lawsuit:

- Presenting proof of a mesothelioma diagnosis;

- Providing information about asbestos exposure; and

- Choosing a highly experienced mesothelioma law firm.

I. Presenting Proof of a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

When contacting a law firm experienced in handling mesothelioma lawsuits, you will first need to present some proof of a mesothelioma diagnosis. The following records can be used to get the process started:

- Pathology report that states “mesothelioma”;

- Oncology medical record that states “mesothelioma”;

- Death certificate that states “mesothelioma” (if person is deceased).

Even though exposure to asbestos increases a person’s risk of developing mesothelioma, a person cannot file a mesothelioma lawsuit unless the person already has proof of a mesothelioma diagnosis. Law firms experienced in handling mesothelioma lawsuits have expertise in ordering medical records that may provide evidence of a mesothelioma diagnosis.

II. Providing Information about Asbestos Exposure

In order to file a mesothelioma lawsuit, the person diagnosed with the disease must have some information that would demonstrate prior exposure to asbestos. Generally, the best source of information as to a person’s asbestos exposure is the memory of the person who was diagnosed with mesothelioma or the person who worked with or around asbestos-containing products. A person can be exposed to asbestos from directly working with asbestos products (direct asbestos exposure), from working in the same area as others working with asbestos products (bystander asbestos exposure) or by laundering contaminated work clothing or otherwise having contact with clothing that is soiled with asbestos dust (take-home exposure). Law firms experienced in handling mesothelioma lawsuit also have documents and other information relating to asbestos exposures that occurred at many work sites where asbestos exposure was common.

III. Choosing a Highly Experienced Mesothelioma Law Firm

A mesothelioma lawsuit is not a simple case. You must have a law firm that is highly experienced in handling these cases. The firm must be knowledgeable about many areas, including: the many different ways that people can be exposed to asbestos, the many different products that contained asbestos, and the medical and scientific issues relating to the diagnosis and causation of mesothelioma.

You should find out information about the firm, including how long they have been handling mesothelioma cases, how many jury verdicts and settlements they have obtained, and whether they have received awards and recognitions for their work in these cases. Once you choose a highly experienced mesothelioma law firm, the firm can take the necessary legal steps to get your lawsuit filed and move the case toward settlement or trial.

Levy Konigsberg LLP has been successfully handling mesothelioma lawsuits for thirty-plus years. The firm’s founder, Stanley Levy, was one of the first lawyers in the Northeastern United States to file cases on behalf of those suffering from mesothelioma. The firm has won landmark jury verdicts in mesothelioma cases including the highest mesothelioma jury verdict ever upheld on appeal in the United States. The firm was recognized in 2013 by the U.S. News & World Report as “Plaintiff’s Product Liability Law Firm of the Year”. The firm also contributes to the fight to cure mesothelioma and has contributed more than $1 million for this cause.

Mesothelioma has no known cure and often causes severe pain, suffering, and other types of damage, such as loss of consortium, and loss of income. Additionally, due to the exceedingly high cost of mesothelioma treatments, many families exhaust savings and accumulate financial debt in order to pay for the medical expenses of their family member.

Under the law of most states, pain and suffering from mesothelioma may be compensated through the award of money damages, usually obtained with the help of experienced mesothelioma attorneys. In some states other types of damages may also be recovered.

Asbestos litigation affords mesothelioma victims the opportunity to receive financial compensation and hold accountable the companies that caused their asbestos exposure.

IMPORTANT: If you or your family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should get in touch with a mesothelioma lawyer as early as possible to determine if you have a mesothelioma case and to:

- Preserve your rights to bring a legal action against the responsible parties within the limited time frame allowed by law, known as statute of limitations;
Obtain maximum compensation in your case by being able to:
Preserve evidence and establish facts of the asbestos exposure while the claimant is still alive and able to provide information;

- File and resolve a lawsuit against the responsible parties before they file for bankruptcy or, if they already have, to obtain compensation before their bankruptcy trust funds run out of money;
Expedite your case, as courts tend to give higher priority to mesothelioma lawsuits where the claimant is still alive.

NOTE: While our offices are located in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Georgia, many of our mesothelioma lawyers are licensed to practice law in a number of U.S. states and have the capability and extensive experience of representing mesothelioma clients throughout the United States. You are encouraged to contact us with any questions.


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